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Burning Hearts

Burning Hearts Media

Set your heart ablaze...

Our desire is to help you develop a heart for God. One that loves God through and through with all of your being. We seek to help foster this love through articles, videos, and books.
Whether you are just starting out growing in your relationship with the Lord or you seek to rekindle that love you had at first, we are here to help.

My first book, “Meditating on the Promises of God,” aims to help you get more from your time in the Word. We have a personal relationship with the almighty God, and His Word is alive and active. In the book, I guide you to select passages to spend time reflecting on the promises of God, allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to you and for you to talk to God through prayer on these beautiful truths.

Below is a video where I introduce the book in more detail.

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Biblical meditation is the privilege and responsibility of every Christian. “Meditating on the Promises of God” is a guide and a journal for this ancient practice. The book provides an introduction outlining how to meditate on the promises of God with fifty-two biblical promises and space provided to journal your insights. Tap into the great potential of biblical meditation with this helpful book.

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